A weekly podcast conversation, produced by Link 2 Lee's Summit, highlighting local issues and people in Lee's Summit, Missouri. Host Nick Parker and guests discuss pertinent issues and topics concerning local residents and introduce listeners to some of the people who help make Lee's Summit a vibrant community.

Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Prepping for a holiday concert & setting up students for real world success
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Musician, teacher and all-around good egg, Shawn Harrel joins the show (and brings along some students) talk about an upcoming jazz concert and the work his digital media students are doing in the community. In fact, Nick and Liesl didn't do anything for this show except talk. The episode was recorded at Summit Technology Academy by a team of Harrel's students. Harrel was joined on air by senior students Amya Morgan, Abby Oldham and Jacob Loesch. Student engineers for this episode were Hannah Jones and Alex King. Harrel and the Lee's Summit Jazz Orchestra will perform it's annual holiday concert at 5 p.m. Thursday, December 15 at Bridge Space in downtown Lee's Summit.